Soon It Would Be Too Hot (2014)

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HD, 6:38. Soundtrack by Zach Layton

"Soon it would be too hot."" -JG Ballard, The Drowned World.

SOON IT WOULD BE TOO HOT is a climate media project, commissioned for projection on NOAA's Science on a Sphere , a 360 degree global platform for earth science education.

With original imagery and the most current CO2 data visualizations SOON considers the ongoing state of melting Arctic sea ice, due to the warming of air and oceans fundamentally caused by our carbon emissions.

READ DESISTFILM, by José Sarmiento Hinojosa

-Fronteira Festival Internacional do Filme Documentario e Experimental, Brazil, Septemeber 2014
- Science on a Sphere @Fiske Planetarium , Boulder CO, April 2014
(a collaboration of NOAA SOS and EcoArts Connections, with funding from CIRES, the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences . Special thanks to Marda Kirn and Shilpi Gupta.